Wilmington's Smile Design Center

Wilmington's Smile Design Center

Wilmington's Smile Design Center

Wilmington's Smile Design Center

Wilmington's Smile Design Center

Five Reasons to Stop Putting off Your Smile Makeover 


Studies show that many people are unhappy with their smiles and would love a makeover to restore the health and beauty of their teeth. However, it’s also true that many keep putting it off. If you are one of those that keep putting off your smile makeover, here are five reasons why you should stop and schedule your smile makeover now.


You are unhappy with yourself.

The number one reason to stop putting off a smile makeover is unhappiness with your smile. At Michele Simpson DDS, we offer a variety of different cosmetic dentistry procedures that can repair any of teeth issues and bring back a beautiful smile. This includes teeth whitening, braces, porcelain veneers, and bonding. If you are feeling unhappy with your smile, we have many options that can help!


Money issues.

Unfortunately, dental insurance does not cover cosmetic dentistry treatments. Luckily, Michele Simpson has a dental savings plan options available at our office to fit any of your needs, making your smile makeover dream more of a reality. Before you completely write off cosmetic dentistry as being too expensive, schedule a consultation today to find out what it will take. Be sure to also enter our smile design giveaway where you can get up to $5000 of free dental work – going on now!


You lack confidence.

If your smile is causing you to lack self-confidence, you have to stop putting off a makeover. After your makeover, you will find yourself feeling more confident in both your personal and professional life. You will smile more, you will feel happier and in turn, feel more comfortable in your skin. This new confidence will radiate from the outside in and can help push you to ask that special person on a date or ask for that promotion you have been working for. If you want to know more about how you can look and feel with a new and improved smile, check out our Smile Virtual program now! Just upload a selfie, tell us what you are hoping to achieve, and receive your personalized consultation.


You’re in pain.

A smile makeover is not just about the appearance of your teeth, but about their health and function as well. If you have tooth pain it is important to recognize that it isn’t going to go away on its own. So many oral health problems are not obvious to anyone but a dentist. For this reason, keeping up with your dental cleanings and exams every six months is crucial. And any pain you have needs to be addressed immediately. This will help avoid the need for even more complicated and expensive treatments later when the problem has gotten out of control.


You have loose teeth.

Teeth will have a small amount of movement, but if they start getting noticeably loose, you cannot put off a trip to the dentist. Once teeth have started to loosen, you are on your way to tooth loss. If caught early you can save your teeth, but if you continue to put off your treatment, you may end up losing them.


If any of the above reasons sounds like you, it’s time to consider a smile makeover from your Wilmington Smile Design Center. Schedule a consultation today to find out what dental procedures are going to be needed to give you a brand new smile. Contact us via our online contact form or give us a call!